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Statistics of Population, Company and Declaration Under the Administration of NTBSA

南區國稅局轄區人口數、工商家數、各項申報統計(Statistics of Population, Company and Declaration Under the Administration of NTBSA)

 轄區面積(Administration Area):10,573.0324平方公里km2
 截至113.06(As of June,2024)

No. of Companies

 使用發票戶(No. of Companies Using Uniform Invoice):141,019
 免用統一發票戶(No. of Companies Exempted From Using Uniform Invoice):118,566
   截至113.09(As of September,2024)

Declaration Statistics

 112年度扣(免)繳憑單及股利憑單申報收件家數及件數合計(No. of Companies & No. of Declarations of 2023 Withholding & Exemption Statement and Dividend Statement):143,483家、6,977,924
 含人工申報(Manual filing):4,175家、47,534件;
 媒體申報(Filing by media):4,866家、1,840,181件;
 網路申報(Internet filing)134,4425,090,209
 截至113.6.26(As of June 26,2024)


 112年度綜合所得稅結算申報收件件數合計(No. of 2023 Individual Income Tax Returns):935,483
 含人工申報(Manual filing):6,034件;
 二維申報(Two-D filing):614件;
 網路申報(Internet filing):781,779件;
 稅額試算(Service of the Pre-calculation):147,056件。
 截至113.6.28(As of June 28,2024)


 112年度營利事業所得稅結算申報收件件數合計(No. of 2023 Profit-seeking Enterprise Income Tax Returns):127,908
 網路申報(Internet filing):127,807件;
 人工申報(Manual filing):101件;
 媒體申報(Filing by media):0件。
 截至113.6.14(As of June 14,2024)


Last updated:2024-10-22